Powerful Women Reflecting their Power

Carol Naff, Marketing Coach

Powerful Women Reflected in Taylor’s Lens

These powerful women reflect the power in the universe. When we surround ourselves with powerful people and learn how to be proactive, we can share our power with everyone. I love reflecting the beauty and greatness all around me with courage and love. I want to see the greatness in everyone and help them find their passion. Thank you, @Taylor Boone Photography, for capturing this power and reflecting it in your lens. I’m so honored to be in this collage. 

For every action, there is a reaction. When we let others decide how to spend our time, we are reacting to everyone else and everything. We lose our power. We need to learn how to be proactive and create our own success. Every person is unique and has something to offer. When you find your passion and love what you do, the universe reacts and…

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About Carol Naff

Offers marketing strategies for creative business owners to get more clients and marketing ideas for job seekers to come in #1.
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