Put Your Best Foot Forward

Plan now to attend to develop your attention-grabbing headline for marketing your business.

Carol Naff, Marketing Coach

Use the Power of the Media to Build Your Business

Promote yourself for FREE. Build your work into a brand

Carol Naff and Marcia Reece Media Directory

Why isn’t your business receiving publicity while others seem to always be in the media? What do they know (or do) that you don’t?

Businesses today know strong results are tied to having a brand and making it known. It is people who provide the edge to increase notoriety, expand market share, and build your business image. Yet how can you prepare yourself to deliver cutting-edge news topics for the media? The Power of the Media Workshop shows you how.

This exciting and informative workshop by Marcia Reece and Carol Naff provides all the secrets of getting media interviews. This info-packed seminar will include the essential elements of writing headlines and powerful media releases. We will reveal how to explain your business in exciting sound bites and…

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About Carol Naff

Offers marketing strategies for creative business owners to get more clients and marketing ideas for job seekers to come in #1.
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